Mosaic Stained Glass * Garden Mosaics

Mosaics Student work |

Cone Flowers |
Mosaic Stained
Capture the beauty of translucent glass in an array of color as you create the affect
of stained glass as a mosaic. Covering the basics of mosaics as you create a glass on glass hanging art piece.
with a better understanding of design considerations, tools, safety measures, cutting methods, adhesives, grouting, and how to continue at
home. 3 - 4 hours
$15 materials Dependent on size and complexity, a longer time frame may be
Mosaic Stained Glass Supply List

Student work |

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Garden Mosaics |
Garden Mosaic Capture the beauty and colorful nature of a favorite scene, symbol, flower,
or either a geometric or abstract design in the form of a mosaic. We will be covering
the basics of mosaics as you work,
breaking glass or old china, adding marbles or stone pebbles to make your individualized mosaic art piece.
Leave with a better understanding of design considerations,
tools, cutting methods, adhesives, grouting, and how to continue at home. 3
- 4 hours $15 materials
Garden Mosaic Supply List

Mosaics - student work |

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Garden Mosaic student work |
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