
The Meadow with walking paths. |

At this time we are 'temporarily closed'.
Covid-19 Update (5/17/2020)
At this time everything is still on hold here, even small group workshops. The
uncertainty of opening ourselves (participants, instructors alike) up to gathering in a relatively small space, having
shared facilities, tools, and supplies does not meet the needs of social distancing even wearing masks and gloves. Trying
to keep ahead of the potential exposure is too risky, as people would be coming from so many local and regional situations/locations.
Additional program
options will be added as this pandemic, Covid 19 allows. Decisions will be made on an ever evolving basis.
It is hoped that you and yours are well and able to steer
clear of infection with best practices that are known at this time.
Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23
Happy 4th of July !
We will not be trying to outdue the Fireworks with the 4th being on Saturday.
Madison Fireworks cancelled
. . .
The weekend after the 4th, (July 11,
12 this year)
is Art Fair
Off the Square & Art Fair On the Square, again, we won't compete for your time... enjoy the holiday!
Madison Art Fairs Cancelled . . .

Leather Wrap, with embellishments & variations on closures |

Leather Wrap |
Fabric, Leather,
or Paper Wrap Book Designs
Jackie Hefty
What's your
fancy? Each has it's own advantages and design considerations. Simple or a little more complex sewing options, embellished
or plain, rough/rustic or delicate/decorative, the choices will be yours. Thurs. July 9, 1 - 4:30
$65/$10 materials
Sewn Paper Wrap Binding |

Various Decorative Paper Techniques for Covers |

Alstroemeria Sketch |

Floral process, Jennifer Evans |
Mixed Media Florals Jennifer Evans
Participants will use the first part of this workshop to do a botanical
study on heavyweight paper to explore line quality, mark-making and composition of the stem, leaves and petals of a flower.
Then, we'll compose a floral bouquet on canvas using mixed media painting techniques. Learn how to achieve depth of color
to paint a vibrant bouquet. (To see Jennifer use a variety of mixed media techniques in a floral, please visit https://youtu.be/4DG5BiHr0-Y) Saturday July 18, 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $130/$10 materials

Alstroemeria Mixed Media Floral Jennifer Evans |
Mixed Media Florals Student Supply List

Found Object Mini Mosaic Dana Renor |

Found Object Mini Mosaic Dana Renor |
Found-Object Mini Mosaics Dana Renor
In this class, we'll be using an assortment of found objects, jewelry, colored glass, beads, and small personal memorabilia
to create a simple (non-grouted) mosaic in a greeting-card sized picture frame. We'll discuss the process of creation &
invoking the muse, choosing a theme, layout, color, and design. You will better understand the tools/materials, and techniques/tricks
for assembling objects that differ in color, weight, height, and texture into one cohesive form. A good non-toxic glue will
be provided along with all necessary tools. No Experience Necessary! Sat July 25 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. $120/$15 materials

Mini Mosaic Dana Renor |
Mini Mosaic Student Supply List
Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23
For those who
prefer, click below for a registration form to send with a check payment in the mail.
Click here to download PDF registration