
At this time we are 'temporarily closed'.
Covid-19 Update (5/17/2020)
At this time everything is still on hold here, even small group workshops. The
uncertainty of opening ourselves (participants, instructors alike) up to gathering in a relatively small space, having
shared facilities, tools, and supplies does not meet the needs of social distancing even wearing masks and gloves. Trying
to keep ahead of the potential exposure is too risky, as people would be coming from so many local and regional situations/locations.
Additional program
options will be added as this pandemic, Covid 19 allows. Decisions will be made on an ever evolving basis.
It is hoped that you and yours are well and able to steer
clear of infection with best practices that are known at this time.

Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23
More to come . . .

Flux by Denise Presnell |

No Brushes 3 |
Put Down the Brush
Denise Presnell
An exploration into intuitive abstraction in acrylics. Students will use at least 3 types of acrylic paint (soft,
fluid, spray or inks) on multipurpose paper, along with any drawing tool they'd like to add. But, no brushes
- we'll use all sorts of tools and students can improvise their own as well (natural or manmade). This workshop
is designed to be flexible for beginners
through advanced participants.
Fri. August 14, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. $160/ $15 materials

No Brushes 2 |

No Brushes 4 |
Put Down the Brush Student Supply List

Tools cold wax acrylic workshop |

Tools |

No Brushes 1 |

Slapstick by Denise Presnell |

Cold Wax |

Excavating Cold Wax |
Excavating Intuitive Abstraction Denise
A mixed media experience which explores
an additive and subtractive process using acrylics, oil and cold wax on multipurpose art board. Both traditional and unconventional
tools will be used to develop a history of marks, color and texture. In this 2-day workshop participants will
build up the surfaces on the first day, give them an overnight to set and then dig into the work the 2nd day. The workshop is designed to be flexible for both beginners and advanced students.
Saturday/Sunday August 15 &
16 $310/$25 materials
Excavating Intuitive Abstraction Student Supply List
Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23
to come!!!

For those who
prefer, click below for a registration form to send with a check payment in the mail.
Click here to download PDF registration