
What can I say, I like ferns... and tall
grass... and flowers....
Update (5/17/2020)
this time everything is still on hold here, even small group workshops. The uncertainty of opening ourselves (participants,
instructors alike) up to gathering in a relatively small space, having shared facilities, tools, and supplies does not
meet the needs of social distancing even wearing masks and gloves. Trying to keep ahead of the potential exposure is too risky,
as people would be coming from so many local and regional situations/locations.
Additional program options will be added as this pandemic, Covid
19 allows. Decisions will be made on an ever evolving basis.
It is hoped that you and yours are well and able to steer clear of infection with best
practices that are known at this time.
Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23
Please check out on line programs being offered by Jacqueline Sullivan by contacting her via email. The options
are continually developing due to many destination programs like Whispering Woodlands being cancelled. jacquelinesullivan@mac.com We are hopeful that we
may be able to add something here this fall.

Paper Pizazz sample |

Paper Pizazz sample |
Paper Pizzaz ! Jacqueline Sullivan
due to Covid-19
Splattering, stamping, folding, crunching
and more. You'll be amazed at the beautiful papers you can produce with basic supplies and little or no art training! Working
with acrylic paints and gessso, we'll decorate papers with some hand-made stamps and rollers. Unique textures will also be
made with some unexpected objects. Make your collages, altered books and other works totally unique by using your own decorated
papers! Friday June 5th, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
$175./$15 materials
Paper Pizazz Student Supply List
Please check out on line programs being offered by Jacqueline Sullivan by contacting her via email. The options
are continually developing due to many destination programs like Whispering Woodlands being cancelled. jacquelinesullivan@mac.com We are hopeful that we
may be able to add something here this fall.

Cruciform Examples by Jacqueline Sullivan |

Cruciform Examples by Jacqueline Sullivan |
The Cruciform - Designing the Abstract Painting Jacqueline Sullivan
Cancelled due to Covid-19
A typical cruciform symbol is named after the Latin word for "cross-shaped", having a simple construction
of two perpendicular intersecting lines. Using this shape in an abstract painting gives us a place to start and build from.
We'll work with the "rule of thirds" with either a high cross or low crossing line. We'll build out from our cruciform
with simple collage and texture. The class will use Golden Fluid Acrylics and Golden High Flow paint to build their paintings
with thin layers of color. Students will receive a lot of individual attention and the painting that they leave with will
be truly their own expression Sat./Sun. June 6th
/ 7th, 10 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. $350/$20 materials
The Cruciform Student Supply List
Paired Needle Binding |

Handmade Paper Embedded Collage Cover |

Paired Needle Bindings |

Paired Needle |

Paired Needle Binding |
Needle Binding Jackie Hefty Cancelled due to Covid-19
It just sounds difficult, not really so hard, but it gives you bragging rights! You will be sure to
impress your friends or family with your bookmaking skills when you show them this creation. An exposed stitching
design on the spine of the book resembles a herringbone pattern. This book is designed to lie flat when open
which allows for ease in drawing or writing. Makes a great gift! Previous book making is recommended, but not required.
Minimal supplies are necessary to continue making beautiful books at home. Fri.
June 12, 12:30 - 4:30 $70/$15 materials (Papers will be available for purchase if you need for your signatures, see supply list
for more information.)
Paired Needle Binding Supply List
Please check out individualized on line opportunities being offered by Kay Brathol-Hostvet by contacting
her via her website. www.kaybratholhostvet.com We
are hopeful that we may be able to add something here this fall.
Air Painting in Soft Pastel Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Cancelled due to Covid-19

Plein Air Soft Pastels |
Pastel is perfect for depicting the various
textures and colors of the spring landscape and is a very portable medium so it is ideal for plein air painting—working
directly from nature. You'll complete two or three small works on different papers, provided by the instructor. Previous experience
in soft pastel is highly recommended, but beginners with good drawing skills are welcome. Experienced plein air students may
bring their own papers if they wish or work in the medium of their choice. We may work off-site for part of the day. Sunday,
June 14, 2020 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. NOTE: earlier than usual start time $160
2020 Plein Air Supply List

Collagraph Printing Sample |

Collagraph print - student work |
Collagraphs: Intro to Mixed
Media Printmaking Jackie Hefty Cancelled due to Covid-19
Collagraphs incorporate aspects of relief and intaglio printmaking, additive and subtractive methods of working,
all in an intriguing mixed media approach to plate-making. Think texture printing; using everyday objects (cardboard, lace,
washers, yarn) transformed into textural elements enhancing your unique prints. Take an individualized approach in what can
be either objective or non-objective subject matter. Thurs. June 18 and June 25, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. $155/$20 materials Students
supply papers for printing.

Collagraph plate in progress |

Collagraph plate - student work |

Decorative Paper Techniques |

Gelatin Printing |

Gelatin Print using ferns/follage |
Intro to Gelatin Monoprints and
Monotypes Jackie
Hefty Cancelled due to Covid-19
experience, explore one-of-a-kind, fun, and easy printmaking method using either homemade gelatin plates or the popular Gelli
Plates available locally at Lynn's (on Odana Rd). Employ both additive and subtractive methods of working. Stencils
and natural elements can add extra dimension - explore the possibilities. Gelatin 'plates' will be available for your
use, along with a selection of commercial 'Gelli' plates to try, bring your own if you have one. Personal choice
between paper and fabric for your basis to print on, see supply list. We will be using water-based mediums. As time
and interest allows, we will also explore monoprinting with plexi-glass plates. No experience necessary. Sat. June 27, 11- 4:30 $95/$15
Gelatin Monoprint Supply List

Gelatin Printing Sample on Fabric |

monoprint |
Monoprints & Monotypes Jackie Hefty
For those having experiece using gelatin / Gelli plates and/or plexi plates, continue to explore one-of-a-kind printmaking
methods in an open studio atmosphere. Whispering Woodlands studio equipment and tools will be available. Minimal instruction,
time to spread out and work. Personal choice between paper and fabric for your basis to print on, see supply list.
We will be using water-based mediums. Sun.
June 28, 1 - 4:30 $45/$15 materials (Max
# - 4 registrants)
Monoprinting Weekend
You may consider registration for both Sat/Sun. June 27 &
28, $130/$20 materials
Click below for the most recent Whispering Woodlands PDF program
Late May - Aug Program PDF Listing as of 3/23

For those who
prefer, click below for a registration form to send with a check payment in the mail.
Click here to download PDF registration