Samples of paste papers, marbled papers, and more |
Decorative Paper Techniques
Paste Papers * More Paste Papers * Fabric Papers
* Pochoir * Eco Printing
Suminagashi (Eastern
Marlbling) * Western Marbled Papers

Metallic Paste Paper example |

Paste Paper sample |

Paste Paper Sample |

Paste Paper sample |

Paste Paper sample |

Assorted Paste Papers |

Paste Papers - stamping designs |
Paste Papers
A personal favorite, explore
the freedom of expressing yourself making creative papers for collage, scrapbooking or as decorative papers for the
book arts. Fun decorative techniques, few limitations, follow up with more at home. Paper recommendations on supply
list. (Just a little messy, bring a smock, it's akin to finger painting!) No experience required, may be repeated. 3 hours $15 materials
Paste Paper Supply List
More Paste Papers
For those that have the basics behind
them, I will get the supplies out, it's open studio time.
Come explore the freedom of expressing yourself making creative papers for collage, scrapbooking or as decorative
papers for the book arts. Fun decorative techniques, few limitations, follow up with more at home. Paper recommendations
on supply list. 3 hours $15 materials

Fabric Paper Sample |

Fabric Paper Student Work |

fabric papers |
Fabric Papers
A little bit of this, a little bit of that; Fabric Papers!
Come and play - we will have the supplies necessary for this technique for you to explore. Fees cover most consumable
materials but you are encouraged to bring a few of your own. Recommendations are available on supply list. 2
- 3 hours $10 materials
Fabric Papers Supply List

Fabric Paper sample |

Fabric Paper student work |

Fabric Paper student work sample |

Fabric Paper student work |

Fabric Paper student work |

Pochoir with Acrylics |

Student working |

Pochoir - Individual Stencils |

Pochoir on Fabric |

Pochoir letters |
Pochoir Stencils (French
Stencil technique) Intergenerational
Pochoir stencils may
find their way as book images, decorative paper designs, scrapbooking and/or greeting cards. A
terrific alternative to screen printing and a great way to utilize some less expensive pastels. Simplified images and designs work best as you learn the basics. This is appropriate for an adult
and child intergenerational experience. Adults may choose to cut individual designs, (a good cutting matt
and x-acto knife will be necessary) or along with younger participants,
may utilize pre-cut designs provided. Minimal supply list. 3 -
4 $7 materials
Pochoir Supply List

Pochoir student work |

Pochoir Student Work |

Pochoir - using three stencils |

Pochoir using Acrylics |

Stencil Making samples |

Eco Print on Fabric |

Eco Print |
Eco Printing
What better place to be inspired to do Eco Printing than surrounded by nature
here at Whispering Woodlands. It is a process I can fully relate to, needing to apply patience waiting for the magic to happen,
and looking forward to the surprises that delight when untying the bundles. It really is hard to beat nature's ability
to create beauty simply. The suttle nature of the prints speaks volumns. It requires a little chemistry, bundling leaves, a
slow cooking and time. I am still experimenting myself, and alittle reluctant to commit to the time it may take, but
let me know if you're interested in joining in this adventure for a few afternoons. Two 3 hour sessions
$7 materials

Eco Print |

Suminagashi Samples |

Suminagashi |
Suminagashi - Eastern
or Asian Marbling Technique
decorative paper technique with uses in bookmaking, collage, scrapbooking, letterpress printing and card making. Subtle
use of swirling colored inks on thin Japanese papers. Minimal supplies necessary to continue at home. 3 hours
$10 materials
Suminagashi Supply List

Assortment of Suminagashi papers |
Marbled Paper
- Western Style, aka Turkish Marbling
more on
this soon . . .

Marbled papers Student work |

Marbled Paper student work samples |

Marbling examples and tools |
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