Decorative Boxes with lids |

Decorative Boxes with lids |
Decorative Boxes
Personalize as desired, using commercial papers or decorative
papers that you've made in previous workshops. Create unique boxes for mementos, jewelry, loose change, etc. The examples
shown are using paste papers and card stock. You may start with an existing small jewelry box to cover, while learning
some basic box formation techniques. Little investment required to continue at home. 3 - 4 hours
$7 materials fee
Decorative Boxes Supply List

5 x 7 Drop Spine Box |

Drop Spine Box |

Drop Spine Box |

Drop Spine Box JH sample |
Shell Box (aka) Drop Spine Box
Based on using a conventional size of 8 1/2 x 11", we will create
a housing for papers, books and treasures. Adjustments for various sizes will be discussed for individualized future projects.
A good metal ruler, a sharp utility knife, a cutting matt and a clear head will be most important. Participants will
have the opportunity to customize the covers with commercially available materials or personalized, hand decorated options.
Two sessions @ 3 - 4 hours $20 supply fee
Clam Shell or Drop Spine Box Supply List