Chairs, Jan N plein air 2014 @ WW |
Jan at waterfall |
Waterfall_Norsetter |
The View, Jan N plein air 2014 @ WW |
Plein Air Painting in Oils
Beginning & Intermediate oil painters
In this workshop I will show you two different methods of approaching plein air painting. We will use
one for a morning painting and one for an afternoon painting. For outdoor painting I generally use a limited palette of colors.
I will show you how I manage my palette, what paint colors I use and how to mix colors using 7 tubes of paint (see supply
list below). We’ll talk about placement, shadows, lighting, painting to finish and clean up. I don’t
use solvents most of the time so I have developed strategies for handling paint using Gamblin Solvent free gel or M Graham
alkyd walnut oil and for cleaning my brushes with soap and water. Sat June 6, 9 - 4 $100/$5 materials
Plein Air in Oils Supply List
Plein Air with Soft Pastels 2 |
Plein Air in Soft Pastels |
Air Painting in Soft Pastel Kay Brathol-Hostvet
Pastel is perfect for depicting the various textures and colors of the
landscape and is a very portable medium so it is ideal for plein air painting—working directly from nature.
You'll complete two or three small works on different papers, provided by the instructor. Previous experience in soft (chalk-like)
pastel is highly recommended, but beginners with good drawing skills are welcome. Sun, June 7, 9 - 4:30
$100/$10 materials
Plein Air Painting in Soft Pastels Supply List
Just outside |
Monotype |
Monotype base colors |
Monotype Meet-ups
2nd Tuesday of month, June
9, 1 - 4 or 6 - 9
(materials fee determined on individual basis)
Monthly Ongoing Program Info
Forged Metal Book Cover |
Forged Metal Artist Book Jacqueline
Sullivan & Jackie Hefty
Yes, that's right,
Jacqueline & Jackie are teaming up on this great artist’s book. Your individualized cover will look like
it is forged from a piece of old steel, but in reality you will create it using a fairly simple texturing technique. Starting
the day will be Jacqueline, as she shares her secrets once again in developing fascinating textures, patinas and additional surface treatments to the cover design. For the second half of the day Jackie will lead
you through a Coptic binding. Utilizing your new cover design and incorporating both watercolor and Mi-Tientes papers
in an eight signature, 4 1/2 " x 6" book. It will be one to show family and friends. Saturday June 13, 10 - 4:30 $160/$15 materials
Forged Metal Supply List
Blue Watercolor |
Experimental Watermedia Jacqueline Sullivan
backgrounds with transparent watercolors by pouring the paints. Resulting in a loose, flowing, colorful wash that happens
naturally with this wet-into-wet technique. After learning the pouring technique, experiment further, create
unique, interesting papers using; rit dyes, pastel powders, salt, alcohol and more. Metallic textural elements may
also be explored. Once paintings are completed, students will use mats as view finders to find “sweet spots”,
small abstract framable paintings. In addition, ways to enhance and embellish these paintings will be demonstrated and discussed.
Sunday June 14, 10 - 4:30 $160/$15 materials
Experimental Watermedia Supply List
Still Life |
Basic Drawing Supplies |
Basics of Drawing It’s not scary! Tina Duemler
Exploring and learning the basics of drawing is fun, not scary.
What is scary is trying it. In this beginning level three-week class, experiment with graphite, charcoal, conte,
papers, and erasers. Possibly pen & ink if time allows. We will work with everyday objects and still life settings. Drawing
materials will be supplied but you will need to bring a medium size sketchbook. Mon, June 15,
22, 29 1 - 4 $145/$5 materials
Mosaic Stained Glass student work |
Mosaic Mania
Every Third Monday
of the month, 1 - 4 or 6 - 9
Monday June
(materials fee determined on individual basis)
Monthly Ongoing Program Info
Concertina with Coptic Sewing |
Concertina with Coptic Sewing |
Bound Together
3rd Thur/month, June
18, 1 - 4 or 6 - 9
(materials fee determined on individual basis)
Monthly Ongoing Program Info
here for a PDF of Programs
either listings only or with descriptions.
July - Dec Program Listings only
July - Dec Workshop Listing with Descriptions
Savoring the Seasons
Attending to the Artist Within
Christa Bruhn, PhD
Cultivating our creativity as artists is as much about practicing our craft as caring for the vessel through
which we bring forth our mindful masterpieces. Treat yourself to this four-part culinary artist series that follows
the seasons to provide food for thought to inspire the human spirit. You will have the opportunity to deepen your
connection to the natural world by engaging your senses in the sacred ritual of growing, preparing and feasting on wholesome
food prepared in community.
Part II - Summer
Ritual: Growth
& Transformation –
Reaching Your Full Potential
Food: Crossing
Cultures –
Making a Mediterranean Feast in Wisconsin
Cuisine is only about making foods
taste the way they are supposed to taste.
- Charlie Trotter
Taking the time to expose ourselves to ways of being that are
different than what we are used to opens our minds and our hearts to others, sharpens our sense of self, and rejuvenates the
creative process. Join in this exploration of growth and transformation by merging Mediterranean and Wisconsin culture for
a one-of-a-kind cross cultural feast. You will not only learn how to make a variety of traditional Middle Eastern dishes,
but get to tantalize your senses with this colorful and flavorful feast. This is one class you and your taste buds will not
want to miss. Only time will tell where this multi-sensory experience will take you next! Sat, June 27,
1 - 7 pm $125
One does not need to register for all 4 classes, but we think you may want to . . . additional dates are: Sat March
21 1- 4 p.m., Sat Sept 26 4 - 8 p.m., and Sat Dec 12 1 - 5 p.m.
For those who
prefer, click below for a registration form to send with a check payment in the mail.
Click here to download PDF registration
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